Many people are not aware that they have forgotten funds in banks, insurance companies, investment firms, superannuation, or government offices. This may be due to a change of address, liquidation, neglect, moving overseas, unknown inheritances, or even death.
If the companies that hold these unclaimed funds cannot find rightful owners within a specified period, they have to transfer them to government holding authorities. Then, if owners of these funds do not submit refund claims on time, the money can be absorbed as government revenue.
There’s over $23 billion in unclaimed funds across Australia, and 1 in every 3 Australians have money owing to them. If YOU are one of them, we can help you reclaim it.
How will you know if you have unclaimed money?
If we locate your unclaimed funds, we will contact you to share the good news. Or if you discover your unclaimed funds, you are welcome to contact us. We will do all the hard work to develop and submit a comprehensive refund claim. There is no upfront cost, and if your refund claim is not approved, no fee is payable. So you have nothing to lose.
Reclaimed Wealth Specialists are licensed Refund Consultants and a member of the Unclaimed Money Association of Australia. We use the proven Refund Specialist System (RSS) to locate and return unclaimed money to rightful owners. Contact us for a free, no-obligation search now.