Frequently asked questions

Many people are not aware that they have forgotten funds in banks, trust accounts, insurance companies, investment firms, superannuation funds, or a wide range of government offices. This may be due to liquidation, change of address, neglect, uncashed cheques, moving overseas, unknown inheritances, or even death.

If the companies that hold these funds cannot locate the rightful owners within a specific period, they are required by law to transfer them to Government holding authorities.

If the rightful owners do not submit fully substantiated refund claims within a specified length of time, these funds are absorbed as government revenue and can be far more difficult to claim.

There’s more than $23 billion of unclaimed funds in Australia now, and 1 in every 3 Australians have money owing to them. So if YOU are one of them, it’s in your best interest to start the process as soon as possible. Click here for more details about the reclaim process.

As licensed Refund Consultants, we use a proven Refund Specialist System (RSS) to trace unclaimed money and then locate rightful owners.

Privacy restrictions prevent us from disclosing the source of the funds until we can confirm that you are the rightful owner. Once you complete the identification check, we can reveal these details to you.

Your signature on the Authority to Release document gives us legal permission to act on your behalf to recover your unclaimed funds. We then use the proven and successful Refund Specialist System (RSS) to develop and submit a comprehensive refund claim on your behalf. Click here to download the Authority to Release document.

As licensed Refund Consultants, we are required by law to ensure that we reunite the correct unclaimed funds with rightful owners. This is why we need proof of identification and other necessary documents to develop and submit a comprehensive refund claim.

As a registered Australian business (ABN 92997952952), we are licensed (CB000354) to trace and return unclaimed funds to rightful owners like you. We are also a member of the Unclaimed Money Association of Australia (UMAA). There are 6 clear reasons to trust us to manage your refund claim. Click here for more details.

Yes, of course. We will offer you a free, no-obligation search to check if you have unclaimed funds. If you decide to contract our services, we will develop and submit a comprehensive refund claim on your behalf. Call us on (08) 6102 1300 or email [email protected] for more details now.

The duration of the refund process depends on how quickly you can provide the necessary documents, and how fast the relevant holding authority processes your claim. The average length of time is 3-9 weeks, but we will do our best to complete the process as soon as possible. We will keep you informed about the progress of your claim.

You do not have to pay anything upfront to contract our professional services. Once your claim is approved, the holding authority will deposit the funds into an independent refund account in St. George Bank. Your money will then be transferred to you after deducting our recovery fee as follows:
Refunds over $15,000: 15% recovery fee.
Refunds up to $15,000: 20% recovery fee.
However, if your claim is not approved, no fee is payable. So you have nothing to lose.

Once a refund claim is approved, the law dictates that the money MUST be given to the rightful owner.​ The holding authority will deposit the funds into an independent refund account in St. George Bank. Your money will then be transferred to you after deducting our recovery fee.

The holding authority will retain your unclaimed funds for a specified period. After that, the funds can be absorbed into consolidated government revenue which makes it more difficult to reclaim.

We will retain your personal information only for as long as necessary to submit your refund claim and recover your unclaimed funds. Copies of supporting documents will be deleted after a claim is approved and paid out. Click here to read our Privacy Policy.